Monday, October 7, 2013

Updates and thoughts.

Hmm. I haven't been in here for quite awhile have I? Let's make a deal. I'll try to blog about little stuff that I think of daily. Like I said, I'm not the fashionista nor the food critic. But I'll try to just share my thoughts and a little tip of my life. 

So updates first, I'm currently studying at ATC. Doing law under the University of London programme. So far it's been fun, some inevitable boring classes here and there but overall it's good. The people here are like one huge family. The workload is starting to sink in. I feel like I haven't done enough, or rather, haven't done ANYTHING at all.

Update #2
Been shuffling around my room furniture, still won't be taking any pics because it still looks like a dump. Waiting for a chance to head to IKEA to get a new bookcase and some bits and pieces. ;) 

So a new segment in this blog would be my daily experiences and thoughts. 

Today I witnessed a brothel raid nearby my college, well, the final clean up of a raid that is. The prostitutes have left by the time me and Mei Xian managed to get there, so the gist of the entire action we missed out. While I was on the LRT en route to my bf's college to wait for his classes to end before heading home, I met with an old lady, who was telling me how she was on the way to the 九王爺 festival in Ampang. She said this festival lasts for 9 days and on the first day the god is invited down and on the last the god is sent back. She started praying to this god since about a good 20-30 years back, and since the god gave her peace she decided to continue anyways. Then somehow the topic shifted to promises, with that being said she persists that promises should be kept. And when people would go to all ends to be a vegetarian for every 初一十五, she simply believes that 隨緣is the way to go. She believes this is so as well for our search for our significant half and most of everything else. The conversation needed with her telling the story of how a girl killed herself for love simply because a promise was broken and that she couldn't marry the guy she said she would someday marry. 

As for my thoughts, prostitutes are mostly deemed as people who are filthy in out society, some even feel they're like parasites or even microorganisms. I have to admit even I myself feel a little shivery whenever I see prostitutes on the side of the street when Panda drives past pudu. To me I guess even if I feel somewhat revolted of the idea of selling my own body sexually to earn money, I have to respect the fact that these people are actually doing it to earn a living, and they are not begging for money, they are not stealing, they are not doing anything to harm the society. They are simply just pushed to a desperate point whereby selling themselves is the only means of making money without having to resort to criminal acts. The filthy condition of the brothels were beyond bearable, the cushions and mattresses were mouldy and worn out. Dim surroundings, neon pink lights. It seemed like the scene in Taken, but this was real. The poor young girls have to endure these surroundings on a daily basis and I guess to them it's like a never ending circle they can never get out of. 

And as for the old lady's words, it struck me so suddenly. When peace was mentioned, I immediately realize that a lot of people seek peace in religion. All these years I go to church, I get peace of mind as well. But I know I am bound to be put through obstacles and have to possibly go through a lot of trials and tribulations. Because I know that it is part and parcel of Christianity. We are always supposed to step out of the comfort zone and into the spiritual battle zone. Whilst we are certain we will face hard times, we are at the same time assured that God will help us through it. And again I will say, I absolutely do not believe that anyone should take their own lives just because someone dumped you. You're supposed to pick your ass back up and keep on moving and make whatever your parents spend on you worthwhile. How unfair is it of you to choose death and the rest of your close friends and relatives and family members have to suffer loss as well. Please appreciate your lives k people.

Oh well, I guess that's all for now. 
Till the next daily thought. ;)

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